Week 2 | Day 6

If you’re still sore from last week, that’s normal.

  1. General Warm up 1

  2. 5-min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) x2:

    10 Air Squats

    10 Plank Marches (5 each side)

    10 Lateral Lunges (5 each side)

    *4-min rest b/t AMRAPS.

    *Complete as many rounds as you can in 5 minutes then immediately follow that time with a 4 minute rest. Then complete another 5-min AMRAP starting from the top. This is a decrease in rest time from last week so see if you can keep up the same amount of work in the 2nd AMRAP.

  3. Stretch


Week 2 | Day 7


Week 1 | Day 5