Week 7 | Day 33
Don’t forget to stretch afterwards!
Tabata (20s on/10s off [alternate between exercises]):
-Squat Jumps
-Lunges (alternating)
90 second rest, then…
5-minute AMRAP:
10 Renegade Rows
10 Overhead squats (no weight needed)
*Tabata workout - you will go back and forth between the Squat Jumps and Lunges. The format of Tabata is 20 seconds of doing as many reps as you can followed by 10 seconds of rest. So you will do 20 seconds of Sq Jumps - 10 seconds rest - 20 seconds Lunges - 10 seconds rest - and so on until you get 4 rounds of each exercise. After the last round of Tabata, you will rest for 90 seconds, then do a 5 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible of 10 renegade rows and 10 Overhead squats. Score the two parts separately - the Tabata as the total number of reps and the second part as number of rounds + reps. Post your score in the comments!