In the name of Stress!
Over the last couple of years, we all as Americans have dealt with a lot of stress — the spread of COVID-19, shutdowns, inflation, job loss. There are people out there suffering from high anxiety and depression but there is a way to help remedy these unwanted mental health problems.
Exercise has been shown to reduce stress by releasing endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. Additionally, exercise can also reduce the levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, most notably, and improve overall mood and cognitive function. Engaging in regular physical activity can also provide a sense of accomplishment to boost self-esteem, which can help to counteract the negative effects of stress.
Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress. It plays an important role in the body's stress response and helps to regulate various functions including metabolism, immune response, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels.
Elevated stress hormone levels can have negative effects on the body such as weight gain, decreased bone density, immune suppression, and cardiovascular disease. Chronic stress and high cortisol levels can also lead to psychological problems such as anxiety and depression. Regular exercise, relaxation techniques, and other stress management strategies can help to reduce cortisol levels.
It is important to note that cortisol is also a normal part of the body's daily physiological rhythm and it's important to have a certain level of it in order to function properly. High levels of cortisol can be problematic, but low levels can also create problems and should be checked with a medical professional. Exercise is a key component to help regulate and maintain normal cortisol levels.